Indoor Classes You Should Be Doing Now!

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If you haven’t checked out my “about me” section on my website, I live in Chicago. Here in December it can get pretty cold if you’re not prepared to battle the unforgiving cold winds. For me, outdoor training is put on hold until the flowers bloom again.  If you are living in harsh environments like myself or just want to try something different, put these 4 indoor classes on your winter calendar.


High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is one of those workouts that can be done anywhere. In some of my videos you can find me doing them in small spaces like my house or in open areas such as the gym. Although I prefer it outdoors, indoor HIIT brings a new perspective to the intense exercise. Being one of the quickest ways to get your heart rate going, it’s also one of my go-tos for burning fat fast!

SpinIndoor Classes

Spin is the workout I’ve been missing out on. My closest friend introduced it to me and when there is an opportunity for me to participate in a class, I’m there. Don’t get me wrong, I do like to ride bikes and sometimes even race them, but in this weather I’m safer on a spin bike. I don’t have to worry about ice, traffic, or flat tires. Spin is a great way to boost your cardio and build tremendous endurance. 



indoor classes


Boxing is great way to build your core indoors. It’s also a great way to release some aggression too. If you are new to boxing, consider taking a class or two to at least get the fundamentals of the training. Boxing helps keep your muscles tight, providing a full body workout. It’s also a great way to meet new friends and sparing partners.


Yogaindoor classes

Yoga is one of the toughest indoor workouts you can do. Both your strength and flexibility is put to the test in this low impact class. Don’t let the low intensity fool you because it’s definitely a challenge for everyone who wants to build superhuman strength and tone up at the same time. Bring a friend to this one and watch them suffer. 

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