Running on Protein Shakes

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As I trainer, I get this question asked a lot from runners, “Do I need a protein shake after my run?” I usually respond with, “Do you like protein shakes?” Since I hate answering a question with a question, the short answer may be a possible, no.

Is it worth it?

Protein itself is expensive. Ranging from 4 dollars for a 8 ounce drink to 80 dollars for 5 pounds of powder, it may not  be in your budget. Fortunately, for most runners, protein can be obtained from simple foods you can eat on the daily but without the chalky taste.protein shakes

It’s great if you’re on the go

There is nothing wrong with having a protein shake after your run. If your diet is a little off, it’s a great way to pack on essential calories to keep that body running efficiently. Protein shakes also help with the muscles you broke-down leading to a faster recovery.  With that being said, it may not lead to better performance, so don’t let the label fool you.protein shakes

The option

If protein shakes aren’t your thing you can easily turn to foods that contain dairy products. For you vegans out there, beans and greens will be the way of life. Expect a lot of gas with these consumables. If your falling behind the pack you might catch a whiff of your fellow runners breakfast along the trail. 

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