High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

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What is the fuss over HIIT? I’ll be honest, when I first caught wind of the latest fitness trend, I figured it had the wrong spelling and it had something to do with boxing of some kind. This was far from the truth.

In actuality, HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is one of the best ways to destroy fat fast! Basically, you go as hard as you can in a certain workout, rest as short as possible then start again. This is a sure way to get the heart pumping in no time for the people who have no time.

Typically you can get a good session done in 15 minutes or less avoiding over training and injury. For more seasoned fitness enthused such as myself, 30 minutes is more than enough time to cut the fat out of your life. Staying under that time frame alleviates injuries that can occur over time.

HIIT is all about the reps. Do as many as you can in a short amount of time. When you finish that first set, try to beat that number in the second set. Rest is necessary but it doesn’t last long. If you have the ability to talk then you have the ability to train. This means once you’re able to hold a conversation you’ve already rested too long.

If you decide to take on the challenge, never forget the warm-up and cool down. They are pretty much vital to this workout, increasing your chances of avoiding injury. If you are sore from your previous training, take a break because recovery lets you train another day.

Depending on your size you can burn a lot of calories in this training. On average, you can burn 9-16 calories per minute. Do this for 20 minutes as stated above and you will be shredded before the month is over. Combine that training with a proper nutrition plan and you are golden.

All in all this is an awesome workout that is not for the faint of heart. It’s going to be tough, but it can also be fun. Try this workout with a friend to help you stay motivated through the process. If you need an example, check out the video and stay tuned for more.

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