10 Tips To Get a Bigger Butt!

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There are a couple ways to get a Bigger Butt. One way that is popular among some of the STARS is the Brazilian Butt Lift. This procedure requires you to take fat from one part of your body such as the back and/or stomach via liposuction and transfer it your rear. The end result may leave your butt well rounded with a slimmer waist and tighter fitting jeans. The down side to this procedure is that you are out $5,000 or more and may still have fat habits that will encourage you to gain the weight back. Did I mention it’s painful too?

…Leave Your Butt Leaner

Then there is training. You may put in hours, months, or even years to obtain the perfect butt. This procedure requires you to eat a well-balanced meal, work up a sweat from time to time, and maybe live a healthier active life. The end result may leave your butt leaner, your whole body toned and you proud of the work you put in to get to this point. The upside to this procedure is that you can take that $5,000 dollars you didn’t spend on a Brazilian Butt Lift to go lay in Brazil at one of the hottest resorts on the planet.

bigger butt

I’m not here to judge but if you don’t want to have an unnatural looking butt with bony legs, check out these tips to grow your butt to its Gluteus Maximus potential.


 Top 10 Tips!

  1. 3 muscles make up your rear, Gluteus Maximus, Medius and Minimus. The maximus is what shapes up your glutes providing a well-rounded curve. The other two muscles aid in your agility from left to right. The three muscles combined can greatly improve your athletic abilities.
  2. Your butt is a powerhouse! Your glutes balance your body so you’re always using them. Any and every movement involves the butt so it’s vital for mobility.
  3. They are the biggest muscle group in your body. If you want to lose weight fast, put your rear in gear.
  4. Reduce Injury! Many injuries to the body is associated with weak glutes. A weak butt may cause unnecessary loading of force on your hamstrings that can cause injury. That injury can lead to other parts of your body attached to the hamstrings like your calves and knees.
  5. You can work your ass off! The bigger the butt, the more training it can take. Make sure you do more than just squats though. Other exercises like lunges and bridges are a good way to keep your buns of steel.
  6. Anyone can grow a butt! Dedication to your training is what going to make your  results shine. Genetics help a lot but you can modify your training to grow your own butt. Perform booty intense workouts like goblin squats and bridges that target the butt; trust the process and reap the results.
  7. Machine training isn’t ideal for butt growth. Free weights are more effective than machine equipment because they will hit every aspect of the big 3 muscle groups found in your glutes. You don’t want to isolate the muscle with machine workouts because you will skip out on the stability muscles.
  8. Don’t believe the hype. You see postings about squat this, squat that; well the outer hip needs love too. Performing side lunges and similar exercise can not only improve butt growth but also prevent knee injury.
  9. Keep your butt tight! To really get the true benefit of a booty exercise, squeeze them during your sweat session. Consistently keeping them engaged will help your booty work smarter. No one wants to be a dumbass.
  10. Become a stronger runner! Running alone will not make you faster. Strength training exercises are key to developing a kick that will help you lead the way in your next race.

At the end of the day, there are a lot of ways to grow your glutes. I personally think you will be satisfied with your results if you work hard for it.  You can always buy one but the risk may outweigh the benefits. Either way, keep your squats low and your spirits high.

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Best BUTT Workout

Sets 3 | Reps 15 | Rest 30-45 seconds


  • Bird Dog
  • Single Leg Bridge
  • Donkey Kicks
  • Side-Step Plank
  • Table Bridge

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Your video was well explained. Great Article too!

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