How to reduce back pain

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I had a weak back, about a week back. Back pain comes for us all yet there are a few that avoid the aching pain. How do we become superhuman and mitigate the risk of an ongoing yet unsuspecting back spasm? If you or someone you know is suffering from lumbago, share this article. Did you get my joke at the beginning? 

Invest in your bed

Your mattress plays a vital role in the way you sleep. Some beds are too hard, some beds are too soft, but there is that one bed that is just right. If you are overworking yourself and not getting the adequate sleep when you’re done, you may inflame the pain. There is no right way to sleep so try out different positions to see which one works out the kinks for you. If you have a ton of pillows, utilize them to maintain stability. I myself like to sleep on my back so I may put a pillow under my knees. If you slobber on your pillow, meaning you sleep on your stomach try placing the pillow right at your pelvis. 

reduce back pain

Lose some weight

Big boobs are great in my opinion but they may be causing a lot of back pain. In that case, you might want to consult with your doctor. If you are just overweight because you had one too many cheeseburgers, this may be causing your back pain. Medications are temporary and expensive but a healthy lifestyle is cheap and easy. Put the cookie down and invest in a personal trainer or dietitian to get you “back” on track.

Reduce back pain

Some like it hot and some like it cold

Hot and cold packs do wonders for your back. If you’re torn between the two, consider these tips. If you are feeling an inflammation and want to mitigate swelling, use a cold pack and if you’re having muscle spasms or cramps put the heat on to reduce the tight muscles.


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