Tagged: how to

After Dark 1

Amazon Giveaway!

I know its rare but occasionally, I like to give things away other than fitness advice. In my latest video I announced the winner of my 2017 giveaway gift card....


Do You Have A Drug Addiction?

Millions upon millions start their morning routine with a fresh brewed cup of coffee. It’s definitely a want, but in many cases a need. It can jump start your day...


How To Not Be A Picky Eater

I’m a finicky eater. Ask anyone that’s around me during my feasting hour. It could literally take me 5 different restaurants, 3 grocery stores, and about 2 gas stations before...


Doubt VS Failure

Doubt: to be uncertain about; consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe. Failure: an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success. Of course you know what it means but...


Don’t Size Yourself Up!

In the fitness realm, many aspire to be like someone. Some may want to achieve a certain look. Others may want  to perform a certain task such as being able...


How To Eat Healthy And Lose Weight

Eating Healthy can be a drag. Especially if your pockets don’t reach the prices of the food. It would seem it is a lot cheaper to eat unhealthy. It’s crazy...