How to Battle Your Allergies

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Allergies are a major problem, not only for me but for millions around the world. 1 in 5 people suffer from this and the reactions vary on time, place, and person. There is no one form of allergic reaction but most can be managed when the symptoms are spotted and treated right away.  To avoid walking around looking like a possessed demon try these 5 tips to keep the sniffles dormant.

Close the window

That breeze may feel good coming in but that sneeze is going to feel worse coming out. If you have allergies, the air in your home is sacred. Letting the wind come in your home is allowing pollen and other pollutants settle waiting to be disbursed for your allergies to react. Invest in a filter for your air-conditioning to keep the pollen count low.


Stay Fresh

Don’t bring outside, inside your home. If you were outside all day, there is a chance that particles received a chance to settle in your clothes and hair. When you walk in the door leave the shoes there too. Before you sit down and relax on the couch, change your clothes or better yet, take a shower and wash the allergens off.


Snack on fruit

There are a couple studies that suggest eating items like fruits and veggies is a way to keep the allergies low. Fruits like apples and oranges are key to lowering the symptoms.  It’s not set in stone but every little bit helps. Add a healthy snack in your meal to possibly mitigate your symptoms. allergies

Stay hydrated

Drinking things like water and juices is a sure way to reduce the postnasal drip. Stay away from alcoholic beverages and invest in tea or even soup. Anything with steam has the benefit of reducing the stuffy feeling.


Last Resort

If none of these options are working for you, try seeing a doctor to pinpoint your symptoms. Sometimes cleaning your house or taking a hot shower isn’t enough. A skin test is a good way to find out what triggers the response that is allergies. 


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1 Response

  1. Anonymous says:

    OMG Nathan! This was right on time. thank you!

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