Tagged: funny

how to date a runner 1

How To Date A Runner And Get Faster

Do you know how to date a runner? Relationships can be tough, especially if you have nothing in common except that physical attraction. In past relationships, I’ve dated women that...


Do You Have A Drug Addiction?

Millions upon millions start their morning routine with a fresh brewed cup of coffee. It’s definitely a want, but in many cases a need. It can jump start your day...


Doubt VS Failure

Doubt: to be uncertain about; consider questionable or unlikely; hesitate to believe. Failure: an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success. Of course you know what it means but...


The Big Mac Killer

“Doomie Baby!” Remember that song…No? If not, I’m referring to the restaurant, Doomie’s. Located in Toronto, this is the founder of the Vegan Big Mac! I know what you’re thinking,...


Don’t Size Yourself Up!

In the fitness realm, many aspire to be like someone. Some may want to achieve a certain look. Others may want  to perform a certain task such as being able...